Moorish Culture

The word moor originated from "Mauro" which is Greek for dark or black. The origin of this word came from when Romans explored Africa in 46 BC. This word eventually transformed into moor. Eventually, the meaning of this word transformed into a derogatory word referencing the black Muslims of North Africa. After their settlement of Al-Andalus was created in southern Spain, a distinct culture began to grow. The only links they had left to their Arabic overlords were the Arabic language and Islamic faith, and after declaration as an independent state, this Kingdom prospered greatly. The aesthetic and artistic quality of this was greatly exemplified by the architecture and monuments these Moors built. During a time period in which the rest of Europe was being conquered and destroyed by the barbarian Goths, the Moorish area was a bright spot for culture, organization, civilization and intelligence. Although the reign of this empire was relatively short, the achievement and influence the Moors gained was immeasurable.