Shakespeare and the Moors

During the days of Shakespeare, Moors were looked down upon by the rest of the white European society for being different, chiefly in skin color. They were "outsiders" and occupied only of the lowest positions in social standing. The term moor itself was a derogatory reference to anyone of dark skin tone in that day, as well. The most clear cut connection between Shakespeare and Moors is in the play Othello, in which the main character, Othello is called a Moor. In the play, it is unusual that Othello is a general in the Venetian army, further exemplifying the point that Moors did not typically hold high, or respectable positions. Although the play specifically references Othello to be a "Moor" one cannot be sure of his race, because the term was used so loosely in that day, it only confirms that Othello was a dark-skinned male.